We Maintain Top-Tier Connections Everywhere

Leveraging our vast pool of resources and expertise, we excel in delivering innovative solutions.

Our National and International Activities

The PAWLIK Group is continuously expanding to provide you with the resources and expertise of national and international holdings and ventures, always with the goal of presenting you the best solutions.

Founded in 1996 by Joachim Pawlik in Hamburg, our team of more than 500 consultants and employees at 16 locations worldwide leverage their expertise to help you achieve measurable results for your day-to-day business challenges.


Specialized and Cosmopolitan

One thing leads to another: In the 25 years of our existence, we have systematically expanded our range of services and expert knowledge by starting new companies within our group as well internationally in line with our clients’ requirements. This combined expertise and our people-centered approach make us a trusted partner for leading global, innovative companies as well as German SMEs.

PAWLIK Executive

People are unique and multidimensional, which is why finding the right match requires looking beyond superficial criteria. Leveraging our deep insights into personality and potential, along with our global network, we identify the leaders who will drive your organization forward. Our seasoned consultants combine extensive industry knowledge with proven, science-based approaches, ensuring talent decisions that are both strategic and sustainable.

PAWLIK Digital

Knowing which measures will help your organization succeed in the digital future is at the heart of everything we do. Whether we’re reviewing your digital objectives, providing support in transitioning to a digital platform, helping develop new or transform existing digital products, we focus on finding the solution that fits you best. And if we’re called in to conduct data-driven process analyses or advise on suitable process automation approaches, we do what works for you.

PAWLIK International

PAWLIK International manages all activities of PAWLIK that are not steered from Germany. It combines the international activities of both the Consultants and the Recruiters parts of the PAWLIK portfolio.

It’s the goal and responsibility of PAWLIK International to grow the international revenue by focusing on global projects, recruiting new partners, and coordinating existing international activities. As we increase our global footprint, we are able to serve our current clients better (with more languages, more competencies, more local expertise) and to tap into the large pool of leading global companies based outside of Germany.

To that end, we are building on the existing global projects and project management organization handled from the Amsterdam office, where currently projects in over 20 countries and in 14 languages are being served through our international network of Associated Partners and Delivery Partners.

Our Ventures

At the PAWLIK Group, we offer services in personnel and organizational development, HR consulting and digital consulting, and combine this with our expertise in diagnostics and potential analysis. To help clients navigate the digital future, we’re continually broadening our range of services through our product and solution providers in e-learning, e-recruiting and e-applications. Our group’s companies operate as independent firms in their dedicated markets. Together, they form interdisciplinary teams and a globally operating workforce that focuses on your needs.


PINKTUM is Europe’s leading provider of digital training for the sustainable improvement of soft skills in companies. Customers are led through digital learning paths that are tailored to their individual development needs and integrated into their day-to-day work. The centerpiece of their services is their internationally award-winning online library. It comprises around 600 video-based, interactive e-training courses, which are available in several languages and culturally adapted; their methodology and content are based on psychological research. With the help of artificial intelligence, PINKTUM takes the individualization of learning to a new level. Leading EdTech specialists are working on permanent learning support that is adapted to the specific requirements of each employee and are developing visionary solutions for the future of learning. PINKTUM is the brand name of Pink University GmbH, which was founded in 2010, has around 150 employees at 16 locations worldwide and is headquartered in Hamburg and Munich. The CEO is Joachim Pawlik. The company has been part of the PAWLIK Group since 2019 and is the largest shareholding of PAWLIK Consultants. PINKTUM ist der Markenname der 2010 gegründeten Pink University GmbH, die mit rund 150 Mitarbeitenden an 16 Standorten weltweit vertreten ist und ihren Hauptsitz in Hamburg und München hat. CEO ist Joachim Pawlik. Das Unternehmen gehört seit 2019 zur PAWLIK Group und ist die größte Beteiligung von PAWLIK Consultants.


scan.up is a diagnostics company. The company supports organizations with both digital and analog products to identify individual strengths, potential, and areas for development of candidates and employees. The method is based on more than 25 years of research by the renowned motivation researcher Prof. Julius Kuhl. scan captures a person’s personality more comprehensively than any other potential analysis, with an evaluation of up to 120 characteristics which have a significant impact on occupational success, teamwork, and personality development. This multidimensional study not only shows how someone behaves, but also why he behaves in that way. By understanding individual motivations and potential, companies can develop better ways of leading and developing specific employees, while personnel decisions are objectified.


Screenfact offers a quick and unconventional personality analysis through the perception and interpretation of graphics, because a person’s visual perception is not random, but personality-dependent. The psychometric method was developed in collaboration with psychology professor David Scheffer. Based on scientific research, Screenfact provides HR managers and personnel developers with valid profiles of the unconscious personality facets of employees or customers in just five minutes. In addition to identifying eight personality facets as well as core competencies, strengths and development areas, the Screenfact report contains individual development impulses for practical implementation. The team wheel provides support in finding one’s own role in the team or in working together. The Screenfact reports are optimized for self-learning. They can be used in a variety of ways: in personnel selection, development or organizational development or as a product in their own right. As a white label, Screenfact can thus support customers with platforms in assigning the content offered to users in an individual way.

PERIM Digital

PERIM Digital, expert at future-oriented recruiting and qualification processes, helps companies find and win over qualified, talented candidates. PERIM Digital manages candidate experiences well before the application process and up to personnel development within the company. Using the Online Recruiting Check (ORC), the TAL software and the Recruiting Chatbot, PERIM Digital has a unique overall concept of innovative technologies and modern software solutions, with the focus always being on people.

digital two

digital two makes artificial intelligence (AI) usable for companies of all sizes. The central product of the joint venture of two digital entrepreneurs founded in 2017 are chatbots. They automate customer communication and provide users with individualised suggestions and answers in their own language in text or voice messages 24/7. The main fields of application are e-commerce, recruiting and service. Companies benefit from satisfied customers or dedicated applicants and decreasing bounce rates at significantly reduced costs. As a result, sales, leads and applicant numbers increase. digital two enables the connection to shop systems, payment via dialog boxes and a simple human take-over.


Software is always involved when it comes to finding new customers, simplifying and automating procedures, or developing new areas of your business. WOGRA creates innovative, customer-specific solutions and adapts existing programs to meet new requirements. Key features include user-friendliness, low maintenance costs, and system future-proofing. WOGRA develops web and mobile applications, in addition to AI-based software. Thanks to their many years of experience, the team can easily assess the technical feasibility of complex projects, and reliably implement them. Agile development methods are used by WOGRA to quickly translate ideas into marketable products.


PAWLIK Play offers digital learning content in a playful setting. “Serious games” teach competencies by simulating different leadership challenges in conjunction with more conventional learning methods. It represents an additional building block in PAWLIK group’s product range for learning, supplementing face-to-face and virtual learning content and microlearning. The technical implementation is done by our strategic partners at Actee (see below).

Our Strategic Partnerships

We believe in lifelong learning, and through strategic partnerships with leading companies in your industry, we can unlock the knowledge, markets and business opportunities that are not part of our day-to-day business.
August Leadership

August Leadership

August Leadership specializes in recruiting global top talent for C-Suite and senior leadership positions, particularly in the U.S., Canada, Europe and Asia. Headquartered in New York City, August Leadership has offices in over 19 locations around the world with a global team of around 50 senior consultants. They focus on building relationships with clients and candidates, boldly doing things differently and actively pursuing issues like diversity and corporate social responsibility.

One component of our strategic partnership is the cooperation in filling international C-level positions. For this purpose, our Managing Director Arne Adrian and our consultants Claudia Seidner and Karsten Matthes became partners of August Leadership in March 2021. In addition, there is a close collaboration with PAWLIK’s diagnostics venture scan.up AG.


Actee is a leading global digital learning concept and gamification platform from Roskilde, Denmark. The multilingual software supports partners in realizing their own game concepts. Our venture PAWLIK Play works closely with Actee to develop new games that make learning a tangible experience.

Bond Brand Loyalty

Bond generates growth for clients by creating enduring relationships between people and brands based on intelligent connections and engaging experiences. Bond supports business leaders globally in customer and employee experience, marketing, loyalty, and talent development to focus on prioritizing customers, partners and employees at the center of their business. Headquartered in Toronto, Bond is management-owned with more than 800 people and offices in North America and Europe. After the acquisition of Buljan&Partners by Bond, Silvana Buljan leads the EMEA region as Executive Director. Learn more

INW Campus.

The INW Campus focuses on professional development, especially for small and medium-sized companies. From customized seminars for single bookings to customized trainings in small groups. In addition, INW offers the option to rent out event space in the heart of Hamburg and book E-Learning courses as part of a sustainable learning culture.

PERFACT Consulting

PERFACT Consulting

PERFACT optimizes their clients’ economic results by enhancing sustainability strategies, people development, leadership and sales performance. Known for their people expertise and business acumen, they are certified eco-social business specialists who deliver FACTs – measurable impact. In particular, their clients are owner-managed, mid-sized companies that like to seize opportunities, evolve, and be productive and successful while avoiding inefficiencies and transformation risks.

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Knowledge Center

Studien und Publikationen wie auch Whitepaper oder Best-Practice-Pools sind
die Grundlage der PAWLIK Medical School. Kongresse oder klinikübergreifende Fachgruppen zu spezifischen Themenfelder gehören ebenfalls dazu wie eine
Kooperation mit anderen Einrichtungen wie z. B. Caps & Collars Academy zum
Thema KI oder PINKTUM Institute zum Thema E-Learning.

Education Center

Oftmals braucht es eine formalisierte Weiterbildung für die spezifischen Anforderungen einzelner Aufgaben in der Klinik, von der Rekrutierung über die Personaldiagnostik bis zum Change-Management.

Coaching Center

Die gezielte, flexible Begleitung von Ärzten und Führungskräften in Pflege und Verwaltung sorgt für individuelle Nachhaltigkeit in der Aneignung neuer erfolgreicher Gewohnheiten für den Alltag und die eigene Karriere. Eine Ad-hoc-Hotline kann zeitnah helfen, schwierige Situationen zu meistern.

Training Center

Vielfältige Angebote in Inhalt, Formaten und Lernwegen decken nahezu jeden Bedarf
der persönlichen Entwicklung von Softskills, vom Rising Star Programm über eine klinikspezifische Akademie bis zu flexiblen, wirksamen E-Learnings für alle Menschen
im Krankenhaus.

Executive Club

Ein einzigartiges, exklusives Konzept zur gezielten, individuellen Weiterbildung für
Ärzte und Top-Führungskräfte in Führung, Menschenverstehen und Selbststeuerung,
von der Individualanalyse über Coaching und Selbstlernen bis zu regelmäßigen, inspirierenden Austauschdialogen mit Kollegen:innen zu spannenden Themen und
Top-Experten rund um den Menschen.

Interim Personal-Leitung

Fallweise ist eine Interim-Leitung für die Klinik eine passende Zwischenlösung, um
die operative Personalarbeit vorübergehend zu steuern und/oder die Neuausrichtung
zu gestalten und die Transformation zu begleiten.

Recruiting Excellence

Nur ein ganzheitliches Vorgehen kann passende Menschen für die Klinik erreichen, gewinnen und auch nachhaltig binden: Recruiting Excellence von A bis Z zu verstehen, zu gestalten und zu steuern, ist eine integrierte Kompetenz unterschiedlicher Disziplinen.

Personal-Diagnostik & Assessments

Wer ist der/die „Richtige“ für den Job? Eine fundierte Erfahrung unterschiedlicher Konzepte und Instrumente leitet das für das jeweilige Anforderungsprofil passende Vorgehen und werthaltige Ergebnisse für Kompetenzen und Potenziale.

Executive Search/

Die oder den „Richtige(n)“ für Ihre Herausforderungen und Ihre Kultur
zu finden braucht Klinik- und Menschen Expertise wie auch langjährige
Erfahrungen im gezielten Vorgehen.

Zusammenschlüsse oder Kooperationen

Um die guten unternehmerischen, wenn auch eher technischen Grundideen
der Vorhaben nicht scheitern zu lassen und nachhaltig zu realisieren, ist ein professioneller, erfahrener Fokus auf die Kultur und Menschen unerlässlich.

Organisationstransformation für alle Neuausrichtungen

Ob Digitalisierung, Revitalisierung oder Sanierung: Erst ein balanciertes
Management von Projekt und Menschen macht den Wandel nachhaltig erfolgreich.

HR Transformation

Die Wirksamkeit der Personalfunktion ist für die Klinik ein,
wenn nicht der Erfolgsfaktor schlechthin und daher fit zu machen
für die anstehenden und zukünftigen Herausforderungen.

New Work

Die Arbeitswelt ist krankenhausgerecht neu zu gestalten, um nachhaltig den Anforderungen des Grundauftrags effektiv und den Bedarfen der Menschen zu entsprechen und letztlich attraktiv und wirksam zu sein.

Patient Experience

Eine konsequente Ausrichtung auf die Patientensicht steuert
die Kommunikation und Interaktion spürbar menschennah
zum Wohlbefinden und systematisch für eine positiver Resonanz.

Employee Experience

Die konzeptionelle Betrachtung des gesamten Mitarbeitenden-Lebenszyklus
leitet die Kommunikation und Wirkung der HR-Arbeit für nachhaltig wirksame
Aktivitäten und Attraktivität der Klinik als Arbeitgeber.


Ein schlüssiges, motivierendes Gesamtkonzept wirkt
nach Innen und Außen als „Nordstern“ für die
Entwicklung einer kraftvollen, attraktiven Klinik.